Thursday, 19 August 2010

Hospital appointment.

Hoobledoop everyone! As you can see by the picture, I've recently taken to taking off my socks and running round naked with a sock in my mouth! I'm almost as weird as Mummy is! =]

I'm nine months, three weeks and one day old today. 

I finally had my hospital appointment today (because of the hair on my back and stuff). The doctor in the hospital said I was perfedtly ok... Stupid health visitor and GP making a fuss over nothing! For some reason, on my notey things in the hospital, it repeatedly said I was female. The doctor kept referring to me as a she (despite the fact I was wearing boys clothes and I don't look remotely like a girl). Eventually, the doctor twigged that I was a boy when Mummy emphasised the fact I'm a boy. It was hilarious. It just seems weird how someone with a name like Isaac Sirius could be mistaken for a girl.

Anyway, I was weighed and I had my height measured. I weigh 22lb 8oz and I'm 73.5cm long. I'm a big boy!

Oh, and I still have my rash... It's fading lots, but it's still there.

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