Thursday 19 August 2010

Hospital appointment.

Hoobledoop everyone! As you can see by the picture, I've recently taken to taking off my socks and running round naked with a sock in my mouth! I'm almost as weird as Mummy is! =]

I'm nine months, three weeks and one day old today. 

I finally had my hospital appointment today (because of the hair on my back and stuff). The doctor in the hospital said I was perfedtly ok... Stupid health visitor and GP making a fuss over nothing! For some reason, on my notey things in the hospital, it repeatedly said I was female. The doctor kept referring to me as a she (despite the fact I was wearing boys clothes and I don't look remotely like a girl). Eventually, the doctor twigged that I was a boy when Mummy emphasised the fact I'm a boy. It was hilarious. It just seems weird how someone with a name like Isaac Sirius could be mistaken for a girl.

Anyway, I was weighed and I had my height measured. I weigh 22lb 8oz and I'm 73.5cm long. I'm a big boy!

Oh, and I still have my rash... It's fading lots, but it's still there.

Friday 13 August 2010


Hoobledoop everyone!

As you can see from the picture (taken yesterday), Mummy has found a new way to bath me. She puts my bath in my great-grandparents bath (not our bath because she keeps stuff in it and is too lazy to move it). So I'm like... having a bath in a bath in a bath lol! She thinks it's a great idea because it prevents the floor from becoming covered in water when I splash in bath... but I've found a new way to annoy Mummy at bath time. I grab the side of the big bath and try to climb out. I haven't yet succeeded to climb all the way out. When I stand up, Mummy just uses it as an opportunity to easily clean my bum. >.<

I've had a rash all over my body for a week now (for some reason it's barely noticable in the picture of me in the bath). I had a high temperature last weekend and I was dead clingy and not myself... So Mummy took me to see the GP on Monday. He said it's just a viral rash and it should be gone in a couple of days. I no longer have a temperature and I'm all happy and stuff again, but the rash is STILL there. Mummy says she'll take me back to the doctors if it hasn't gone by Monday.

Anyways... hoobletoodledoo for now! =]

p.s. Yesterday when Mummy was feeding me, she looked away for one second and when she turned round I was holding a big knife! I scared the crap out of her.

Friday 6 August 2010

My trip to the park!

Unfortunately, Mummy didn't take any photos in the park today... but I wanna show the world how pretty I am, so I've enclosed a picture of me with a foil helmet on from when me, Mummy and Dyl were messing around with foil the other day! Don't I look dashing! XD

Anyway, Mummy took me to the park today. I know that's not very interesting because she takes me there a lot, but I really enjoyed it. She put me on the swings and I went WHOOOOOSSSSSSHHHH! It was so exhilarating! I was on that swing for half an hour just going backwards and forwards. I was giggling, Mummy was being silly and I really enjoyed myself.
After we went to the park, we went home and I became obsessed with Midsomer Murders. Mummy wasn't too pleased as she would prefer me to get into Murder, She Wrote as lots of Star Trek Voyager characters appear in that from time to time. She eventually accepted my new obsession when she was informed that the Borg Queen has been in it!
Talking of Voyager, I really enjoy watching it with Mummy. The other day we were watching it and I smiled every time Harry Kim came on the screen. I like Harry- he's my favourite character! =]

Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll tell you about my health visitor appointment I had last week or whenever! Apparently I'm very advanced for my age. I knew that already, but it was nice hearing it from the health visitor. =]
Now for my measurements: I weigh 21lb14oz (or 9.98kg), I'm 73cm long and my head circumference is 47.8cm. The health visitor said I'm about the size of the average one year old! XD
She said my hips felt a bit stiff and made Mummy make a GP appointment for me. She took me yesterday and the doctor said he wasn't worried about my hips! He also said I'm a very strong boy! =]

Also, I'm pretty annoyed with Mummy. She Ikeproofed the living room, so I can't get to anything I shouldn't play with! I've been playing with her tripod though, but she doesn't seem to mind me playing with that. I hate not being able to get into trouble! :P

Anyway. I've gotta go to bed now, so nighty night! =]