Tuesday 18 May 2010

Needles and stuff.

I'm really not very well. =[ I had my 3rd set of injections (DTaP/IPV/Hib, Men C and PCV) yesterday and I think that's why. I didn't like these injections at all. I screamed big style even though I was fine last time. After being injected, I saw the health visitor so I could be weighed and stuff.

When Mummy took off my awesome spiderman shirt, she noticed a rash on my back and got the health visitor to look at it. The health visitor had a look at it and because it disappeared when she pressed it, she said it was probably just because of the injections as it wasn't there in the morning. Anyhow, when the health visitor was looking at my back she noticed the patch of hair at the bottom of it. She seemed pretty concerned about it and now I have to see the GP on Friday because of it. =/

When she weighed me, I was 20lb 1oz. I'm a big boy! Talking about being big, Mummy measured my height the other day and looked at the length chart in my red book. It turns out I'm the height of the average one year old!

The health visitor was also talking about my eight month check (not that it's very imminent, I'm only just over six and a half months old). She was saying that by then I should be sitting up a bit. She was very impressed when Mummy told her I've been sitting up perfectly with no support for at least a month now.

Oh, I tried ice cream for the first time the other day. It was yummy! I hope Mummy shares some ice cream with me at Uncle H's party in the park on Saturday!

I made Mummy put a picture of me on here that she took about a month ago when she was letting me play her guitar. Dontcha think I look hoobacious?

Oh, and I've started calling Mummy Mamam and my great grandmother Nanan! I'm a clever boy!


  1. Hoobledoop Ike!
    You're a very brave boy for dealing with all those mean health visitors poking you and people jabbing needles into you =[ I hope you feel better soon after your injection hangover, just remember they will prevent you catching horrible icky things later on so even if you feel abit poorly now it's well worth it. I hope things go OK with the GP on Friday, please do keep us updated because we want to know that you're all ok and shizzle =]
    Aren't you an awesomely hoobledoobleduper baby for sitting up way before you're meant to! Your mummy and your great grandmother must be very proud of you when they hear you calling them Mamam and Nanan! You rock! XD
    I love that pic - because of how your right arm is, it looks like you took it yourself! :D

  2. Hoobledoop!
    I'll keep you updated! =]
    My injection hangover has gone now and I feel all hoobledoobleduper!
