Friday 2 July 2010



Today I went to my auntie's house and met my little cousin Lucy for the first time. She's five months younger than me. She seems nice. I was letting her feel my twizzletuft and I tried to pull her into my baby walker.

I haven't seen another baby for quite a while. I'm in a bit of a whingey mood today. I was crying in the shops. I've only ever done that once before, and that was when I was just an ickle baban.

I've been told I'm going to Malta on my first holiday later on this year. It'll be in October half term, so there's a chance I'll spend my first birthday there. I'm quite excited... not sure I'll like the heat though!

It's almost bed time. Tomorrow I'm going to my grandmother's house for a birthday BBQ (even though her birthday was two days ago). I can't wait to see my uncle Harry and all the other tiddlypeeps and squigglytiddlypeeps! =]

Oh, and did I mention I can crawl now? =D I can only crawl properly a little bit, but I can still get everywhere by a mixture of proper crawling and rolling around! Mummy says I'm a clever boy!

I want my bottle. So I'm gonna stop writing now. Nighty night!

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