Tuesday 9 February 2010

My first blog post!

Hoobledoop! I'm Isaac. My middle name is Sirius. Most people just call me Ike. My mummy deleted my twitter account so she decided to make me a blog instead. Obviously I can't write it all by myself, but if I tell her what to write, she'll write it.

I'm now 14 weeks old (it'll be 15 tomorrow). I'm not sure how much I weigh because I haven't been weighed for a few weeks. When I was born I was 8lb 14.5oz. I'm still quite big, but I'm not a fat baby. I am currently obsessed with my tangley toy thing (see picture). I whinge if someone takes it off me. Mummy didn't need to buy me all those Christmas presents... just buying me that would have been fine! In the picture you can see that I'm sticking my tongue out. That's about the furthest I can stick it out. You can't really see it in the picture, but I have a slightly forked tongue (which I think is really cool!). Well, it's not really a forked tongue, there's just a little dent at the tip because I was a little bit tongue tied... I like to pretend I'm a demon baby though!

I had some of that baby rice stuff for the first time today. It was raspberry and apple flavour. I know I'm not 4 months old yet, but as Mummy says- What the health visitor doesn't know wont hurt! Mummy was unsure about giving it to me, but loads of people had told her to just go for it, so she did. I wasn't too sure about it at first. I was a little confused by it. I've only ever eaten milk out of a bottle, so it was weird for me. After the initial uncertainty, I think I quite enjoyed it. I started opening my mouth for more. She only gave me a little bit though. I'm a little hyperactive this afternoon - it's probably because I had proper food!

Anyway, I'm going to go and play with my dangley turtle thingy and the tangley thing. Bye! :)


  1. Yay Ike you has a blog! =D
    You're very clever to get your own blog and have your first taste of baby rice all in the same day! But we always knew you were a genius ;)

  2. Super cute!

    Happy 15 weeks Ike! You're getting old mate! 'bout time you went out and got a job I think XD

